Going Global, Clarksville, TN


Going Global


Take a look below at what we have done around the world through Going Global and get inspired to join us in our future.



Since our inaugural trip in 2003, we have been steadfast in our commitment to Zimbabwe, leading two mission teams each year.

Over the years, we’ve conducted more than 40 mission trips, reaching out to communities with vital resources such as food, dental, and medical care. These missions also include pastors’ conferences and evangelistic crusades.

Our impact extends to providing shelter, food, clothing, and educational opportunities for hundreds of children through the operation of six annual children’s homes staffed by dedicated personnel.

Initiating a farming irrigation project has proven fruitful, yielding crops that not only sustain orphans and widows but also provide employment opportunities. We’ve equipped the farm with tractors and implements to efficiently cultivate and manage the crops.

Annually, our farm produces a bountiful harvest of vegetables and corn, employing workers who support their families and contribute to feeding orphans and widows.

Venturing into agribusiness, we established a successful Chicken business with a capacity of 2,000 laying hens, and a thriving cattle business with over 110 head of cattle.

Addressing transportation needs, we acquired a van to provide essential transportation for orphan homes and built a new playground for the well-being of the children.

Our commitment to healthcare led to the ownership and operation of a year-round medical and dental clinic, staffed by top-tier professionals who offer free care to the less fortunate while sustaining the clinic through those who can afford to pay.

Expanding our reach, we planted a church and employed a pastor in rural Marondera, Zimbabwe. We have also drilled freshwater wells in remote areas, ensuring access to clean water.

Beyond Zimbabwe, our crusades and outreach initiatives have reached Cameroon, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Furthering our dedication to education, we built and registered a school in rural Beatrice, Zimbabwe. Hosting 200 students, the school consistently achieves high academic testing scores, providing quality education to orphans and the broader community.

Our commitment to sustainability remains strong as we continue to develop and implement self-sustainment projects, ensuring a lasting positive impact on the communities we serve.



We lead mission teams to Honduras twice a year and our dedicated teams engage in impactful local outreach, delivering essential services such as food, clothing, and portable dental clinics to diverse areas. Complementing these efforts, we also undertake various construction projects.

Noteworthy accomplishments include the construction of a mountain church in Morazan, fully staffed with local leaders. Additionally, we’ve established a missions compound designed to host our teams and offer accommodations to other mission organizations.

Contributing to community welfare, we operate a feeding program that provides nourishment to 80 children on a weekly basis. Our commitment extends to bringing electricity and water to the surrounding areas, enhancing the quality of life for the residents.

As part of our forward-thinking initiatives, self-sustainment projects are currently underway, reinforcing our dedication to sustainable and impactful development. Join us in making a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.


Appalachian Mountains

Currently, we host one mission team a year in the Appalachian Mountains. The work consists of large teams that provide:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Home repairs
  • Outreach to children’s homes and nursing homes
  • Crusades and evangelism outreach



Kiana’s House

In 2021, Going Global, partnering with Mosaic Church and the City of Clarksville Neighborhood and Community Service, broke ground to create a safe place transition home for children who are waiting for foster care placement through the Tennessee Department of Children Services.

The light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home, and when we heard that some children had to stay overnight, sometimes for days, in office cubicles, we responded. On December 14, 2023, we opened Kiana’s House, which will house children and a DCS office employee.

“If you look at most of the good happening in our city, you’ll find the fingerprints of Mosaic Church (and Going Global) throughout, from the rapid response to the recent tornado to the two new, affordable houses being built for two families on Richardson Street, to this magnificent home that will serve families across our city. If it’s good, it’s Mosaic,” said Mayor Joe Pitts.”

The home is named after the late Kiana Long whom the Mosaic Church family loved and lost her fight with sickle cell anemia in 2018. Kiana had a passion for mentoring children, and she volunteered much of her time at Mosaic Church as the nursery director. her mother, Irene, is a kids’ ministry team leader.

Click here to read an in-depth article from a Clarksville, TN newspaper.

Tornado Relief

On December 9, around 2 p.m., Clarksville-Montgomery County, TN, was hit by an EF-3 tornado with winds of 150 miles per hour that made its path through three counties in Tennessee and Kentucky, killing seven in Middle Tennessee. The destruction was devastating, and North Clarksville, the location where Going Global partnered and founded Mosaic Church, was hit hardest by the storm.

Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency said the tornado impacted 2,212 residential sites, and 268 homes were destroyed.

Within hours, Mosaic Church set up a command center at Mosaic church, leading, organizing, collecting, and distrusting tornado supplies, goods, and support.

Over the next week, we led over 3,000 volunteers into the community for cleanup efforts. We are thankful to the many disaster relief organizations that partnered with us during those days and weeks that followed, such as Convoy of Hope, Mercy Chefs, Samaritan’s Purse, God’s Pit Crew, and YAIPak.

Going Global Founder and Executive Board Director Anthony Daley said, “If you would have asked me Saturday to have over a million dollars of resources and thousands of volunteers to deploy in three days, I would have told you – that’s impossible. But by God’s grace, that is exactly what happened. Mosaic Church didn’t have our services on Sunday, yet this week was the best message we’ve ever preached on this property.”

Click here to read a Clarksville, TN, newspaper account of the cleanup efforts.



Leading one mission trip annually, our primary objective in India is to make a lasting impact by constructing churches, hosting conferences for women and leaders, and organizing outdoor crusades.

Our achievements include the successful drilling of freshwater wells and the construction of a community church. Engaging in multiple outreach crusades, we extend our reach to create meaningful connections.

In our commitment to support communities, we provide annual compensation to pastors in severely impoverished rural areas. As part of our ongoing efforts, we are actively exploring more permanent self-sustainment projects, aiming to create a lasting positive influence. Join us in this dynamic venture towards meaningful and sustainable development.



Our work in China has just begun. We traveled over one thousand miles with the initial trip and visited several house churches. Our initial observations were that the Chinese Christians are very hungry to learn and extremely dedicated. They risk their lives to gather. However, they need discipleship. With limited access to resources, they often struggle to interpret the Bible in its full accuracy. We intend to keep going and build relationships through discipleship.